Cocoons Day School is a private preschool located in beautiful Kennebunk, Maine on 35 Heath Road. Our four room schoolhouse is fashioned after a classic turn of the century "Big House, Little House, Backhouse, Barn" New England farmhouse. Our mission is to merge indoor classrooms with the wonderful outdoor classrooms nature provides.
We believe that it is vitally important for all children to regularly explore the great outdoors; to construct their knowledge through hands-on concrete experiences. Cocoons is located on 4 ½ acres of Rural Conservation land and is bordered by 40 acres of Kennebunk Land Trust protected land where we can hike, forage, and observe woodland and wetland creatures in their world.
Our meadow boasts blueberries, blackberries and cranberries. The headwaters of Lake Brook are the home of a myriad of aquatic creatures. When we explore, it is not unusual to see indigenous butterflies, snakes and spiders or to spot red-winged blackbirds, killdeer, gold finches, and hawks.
We grow and cook with our own tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, beets, radishes, onions, lettuce, pumpkins, beans, gourds, basil, mint, and oregano. We care for our horse, goat, bunnies, and chickens in the barn. We play on the playground, slide in the winter and frolic under the sprinklers in the summer.
Life in the great outdoors is an ever changing adventure. It is an integral part of our educational program! We spend lots of time outdoors; we believe that young environmentalists are the future stewards of our priceless world.
“In every walk in with nature one receives far more than he seeks. ”